Terry McAuliffe Mood:
I'm just asking- Is there anyone it would be less surprising to be discovered with copious amounts of cocaine and prostitutes in a sting than Terry McAuliffe?
Censorship is Alive and Well Mood:
loud Topic: Outrage!!!
So I was visiting this book site http://phillybookgeek.com to help broaden the horizons of some of these elites. All these liberals over there are fawning over "The Road" by Cormac Kerouac, or whoever, and all that other schoolbook garbage, when I come across ths post:
"When I was about ten or eleven, I stumbled upon a book called “Cave of Time” by Edward Packard. It was Book #1 in a series called CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE. Blew. My. Mind. Apart.
As a straight narrative, this book would have been fantastic for a ten-year-old -- a main character finding a secret cave that he can use to travel through time. But the main character was ME, and I could direct the plot progression MYSELF! It was like a literary video game.
Whew. Anyway...
Here’s the funny thing: the books seem to have made a recent comeback. (Reissued by the original publisher, I guess.) But Packard’s books are GONE. The two main writers of those books were Packard and Montgomery -- the latter of whom was widely considered (by myself and my ten-year-old friends) to be the lesser writer. But Packard’s books have not been reissued.
Furthermore, he seems to have been erased from the CYOA history books; if you search Amazon.com you’ll see that one of R.A. Montgomery’s second-rate attempts now holds the distinction of being "Book #1" in the series:
Anyway, being the solid citizen I am, I posted a comment to the site that Choose Your Own Adventure books lead to deviance, or at least I think that's what I wrote because (prepare to release outrage) PHILLYBOOKGEEK.COM DELETED MY COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's hear it for free speech, folks. Sure, they can go ahead and write about how they all want to gay-marry each other or that we brought 9-11 upon ourselves over there, and no one bats an eye. But someone brings up the possiblity that a child might be influence to a deviant lifestyle by a series of children's books promting "choice" (I even stated it wasn't the only thing, just perhaps a piece of the puzzle), and bango- down the memory hole.
Elliott Spitzer - Whoremonger Mood:
cheeky Topic: Outrage!!!
Hey Spitzer, the pimp called, he wants his "hoes" back! Ha! He also said stop making LaFuanda dress up like a 10 year old boy! Ha!
Carter has Gone Off His Rocker Mood:
loud Topic: Outrage!!!
I don't know if any of you have read this (CAUTION NOT FAMILY FRIENDLY) op-ed by former President Carter, but I'm shocked. I've not read such a vulgar, unpresidential display in my life. I'm even more shocked that the MSM doesn't even bat an eye when a former president goes spouting off obcenities like this, on the record even.
First, I know it's been a long time since I posted, but I was on tour promoting my book "The 51st State: What Americans Need to Know About the Benefits of Annexing Iraq, and the Pround Effect It Will Have Against the Islamofacist and Homosexual Agendas". Let me express my thanks to the dozens of you who came out to my signings (Peter, I had a totally different image of you in my head. In all your postings, I don't think you ever mentioned you were a dwarf).
Anyway, Primary season is upon us, and I know many of you are waiting to hear my two cents on who to vote for. For the moment, I'm pretty much undecided. Huck is probably going to be my guy, but his anti-torture stance is unattractive to me. I really wish Cheney would see the light and toss his hat into the ring, but that seems pretty much like a pipe dream at this time. Another one that would be completely awesome- Laura Bush! Imagine Laura just beating the snot out of Hillary in the national election. Besides, it would be just like having my man W in for another 4 years!
There's a lot of talk about immigration- legal, illegal, whatever. Noone seems to offer a practical solution, though. Until now.
In a nutshell, this would be my approach to immigration: 1. Let the illegals come right over. 2. They just need to give us a little info (name, age, birthdate). At each border, there is an instant registration. Immigrants come right in. 3. The first year they are here, they have to work at a special "camp". They could make things for WalMart, or be taken out to places to clean highways. 4. They'd get "3 hots and a cot" for that year at no charge. 5. After the year, they'd get $1000, cash money
In short, they'd be providing a real contribution to society, and would not over-burden the system. They'd also have a greater respect for being a citezen, since they had to work for it.
There are some who would argue, "but would some illegals still come over?" These people are idiots who are missing the big picture. We don't tell the foreigners about the camps until they've signed the papers and are on the US truck. Then we make sure that they don't mention the camps in any correspondence back home. If they mention it, they get an extra year's service tacked on. Simple and effective, believe you me.
The Danish Cartoons
Simply put, aren't cartoons supposed to be funny, except for Mary Worth, Johnny Quest, and a couple others. Those cartoons that the Danish guy did are just stupid. I mean it's obvious, draw a picture of Mohammed gay-marrying Osama, and you've got comedy gold!
Laughing All the Way... TO HELL!!! Mood:
on fire
Yes, that means you Mr. Stewart and Mr. Letterman. Don't even try to make light on the War on Christmas. People probably laughed at Jesus back in the day, too. Know what happened to them? They're somewhere deep below your feet, Satan is roasting marshmallows on their rears, forcing them to watch "Brokeback Mountain", and act out all the kissing parts with other guys.
Kwaanza Mood:
Does anyone really celebrate Kwaanza? I've bought Kwaanza cards, and given them to some of the black people I know, but a lot of them have told me they'd rather receive Christmas cards. Since I bought a whole box of cards, I sent the rest to some of my white friends. Funny stuuf!
Pre-Emptive Strikes
As we have seen in the War on Terror, the true way to victory is through pre-emptive strikes. I feel this also applies in the War to Save Christmas. That's why I am asking all readers of my blog to take it to the streets, not just by boycotting stores, but by placing Christian paraphenalia throughout them. Additionally, I highly recommend pointing out the errors in not only secularist thinking, but also kindly letting those of other faiths know that they are on a track to hell where the only redemption is through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Please note, although I refer to this as a war, please do not go around beating up or killing non-Christians.
Christianity- Under Attack! Fight! Mood:
loud Topic: Outrage!!!
I'm back, and I'm outraged! We Christians have been victimized long enough in this country by the secularists and pagans and their desire eliminate any remnants of Christianity from our society. Walmart cannot tell people "Merry Christmas", even though they can devote an entire portion of their store to providing Christmas trees, wreaths, stockings, mangers, etc. This is obviously an outrage!!!! That's why I want not only a boycott of Walmart, but I want a competitor to pick up the reigns and not only say "Merry Christmas" during this Christmas season, but to say "Christ is Lord" when giving me back my change during any time of the year. That's taking this country and our shopping back from the heathens!
Last year, some of you may recall, I had a campagin for Children to have their pictures taken with Jesus in the department stores, rather than Santa. Last year, this idea was obviously ahead of its time. This year, we need this kind of message out there remind America we are a Christian nation, and we will stand our ground. If there are any department store owners reading this who want to participate, just leave a note in the contacts section, or send me an e-mail. Also, if there's anyone out there looking like Jesus (the typical Jesus, not any of the freaky, new-age type Jesus depictions), but not into drugs or heavy metal. Leave a note and we can put you in touch with the department stores. We need to act fast, only 27 days to go.
Tales of Inspiration from Katrina Mood:
There are tons of stories we are hearing in the wake of Katrina, but none really put it all into perspective and reveal the triumph of the human spirit like the one I got in my e-mail from Reggie (attached).
"Mr Candra, Let me start this off by saying I was a fool to stay in New Orleans, but I wanted to protect my melon stand from looters. I must admit, I am used to fate dealing me a bad hand, as my parents died from drug overdoses when I was a boy, and I was unoficially "Adopted" by gay-married voodoo worshipers. I ran away when I was fifteen, began reading the Bible and pulled my self up by my bootstraps to become a rather wealthy melon stand proprietor, pulling in hundereds of dollars a month. Life was great, and then came Katrina.
Like I said, I couldn't let my life's work be ravaged by the savages of this city. I bought the strongest chain I could find, and wrapped one end of it around the wagon and padlocked the other end to the biggest strongest tree I could find. Then I waited. I waited until the winds got so strong I could hardly stand straight. I climbed twenty-five feet or so up the tree and tied myself to the trunk, aroung my waist. Armed with a shotgun and 5 shells, I felt I'd be ready, since basically all I had to do was shoot one looter, and the corpse would be a pretty firm warning for anyone else.
As it turned out, the storm surge swept my stand away in minutes. There was nothing left but the chain, and melon rinds resembling the end of a Gallagher show. My life's work, gone in a flash. Shortly after the water started to rise, and was creeping ever closer to my feet. If things kept up, I knew I'd be a casualty, like the ones who floated by below. I was so overcome with despair, I almost took the shotgun to myself, but it fell from my hands, perhaps by God's will, and sank into the rising water.
As night fell, I had finished the last piece of Sinckers I had in my pocket and I was panicked. I unfastened myself, and floated away. An hour later, I could make out the shillouette of a roofline, and steered myself toward it and climbed up. then inspiration hit me. Using the rope I had tied myself to the tree with, I made a makeshift raft from the dead cajuns which floated past, and embarked on a voyage back to civilization.
The moral of my story is obvious, Mr Candra. Don't stop believing. Hold on to that feeling.
Thanks, Reggie"
No, Reggie, thank you, and God bless.
PS- I had to throw the refugees off my property after some of my wife's jewelry ended up missing. It's a shame, too. The lawn never looked so good.
Pitching In Mood:
Hurricane Katrina is obviously a tragedy, and I'm not going to point fingers and hand out blame. It's time to make things better. When one has means, he should pitch in and help out those in need or less fortunate than them. For instance, I have taken in several displaced evacuees, and given them a place to stay on my ranch. I am also providing them meals, and a sense of self-worth by giving them jobs to do around the grounds. I may even give them a little extra cash so they can go out and take in a movie on the weekend.
The Answer at Last
"I wish all the mean people, if you want to be mean to each other, just buy a country together and blow each other up. Then we'd have no terrorists left. Like, don't kill innocent people for no reason. It's not fair. WE love everybody. We'd even like THEM if they said they're sorry. It's not fair that innocent people are getting hurt. It makes me sad.”
- TARA REID, commenting on the London bombings in the latest episode of TARADISE
Even More Gay TV Mood:
loud Topic: Outrage!!!
I'm beggining to think it would be easier to point out the heterosexual shows on television rather than the Gay ones, as the numbers seem to be overwhelming. Anyway, "BJ and the Bear" is obviously a show deeply rooted in sexual deviance.
Consider the name alone. For those readers with unsoiled ears, "BJ" is a term some deviants use for an unnatuaral sexual practice which I shall not dignify by defining further here. "Bear" is a term in the gay community for a big, hairy gay guy, like Dom Deluise, except gay.
Then there's the premise, BJ, a trucker by trade, travels the country with Bear, his male ape companion and finds adventure along the way. Seems innocent enough at first glance, right? It does until you realize the perverse nature of truckers, going from rest stop to rest stop in search of gay satisfaction. This show was aimed at young people with the sole purpose of preparing a whole new generation of gay truckers. How can I say that? Because the chickens have come home to roost. You cannot even relieve yourselves at one of these roadside restrooms without practically tripping over two guys (ore more) kissing. The US government has even had to redesign rest area stalls to decrease these roadside trysts!
You may be thinking "Al, BJ and the Bear is a 20 year old show, what relevancedoes it have today?" Obviously, it's because the gays are trying to reach out to the next generation, so be vigilant, wise sheep, and report any of those recruitment incidents here.