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Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Censorship is Alive and Well
Mood:  loud
Topic: Outrage!!!

So I was visiting this book site to help broaden the horizons of some of these elites. All these liberals over there are fawning over "The Road" by Cormac Kerouac, or whoever, and all that other schoolbook garbage, when I come across ths post:

"When I was about ten or eleven, I stumbled upon a book called “Cave of Time” by Edward Packard.  It was Book #1 in a series called CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE.  Blew.  My.  Mind.  Apart.

As a straight narrative, this book would have been fantastic for a ten-year-old -- a main character finding a secret cave that he can use to travel through time.  But the main character was ME, and I could direct the plot progression MYSELF!  It was like a literary video game.

Whew.  Anyway...

Here’s the funny thing: the books seem to have made a recent comeback.  (Reissued by the original publisher, I guess.)  But Packard’s books are GONE.  The two main writers of those books were Packard and Montgomery -- the latter of whom was widely considered (by myself and my ten-year-old friends) to be the lesser writer.  But Packard’s books have not been reissued.

Furthermore, he seems to have been erased from the CYOA history books; if you search you’ll see that one of R.A. Montgomery’s second-rate attempts now holds the distinction of being "Book #1" in the series: … amp;sr=1-3


- Johnny Geek "

 Anyway, being the solid citizen I am, I posted a comment to the site that Choose Your Own Adventure books lead to deviance, or at least I think that's what I wrote because (prepare to release outrage) PHILLYBOOKGEEK.COM DELETED MY COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's hear it for free speech, folks. Sure, they can go ahead and write about how they all want to gay-marry each other or that we brought 9-11 upon ourselves over there, and no one bats an eye. But someone brings up the possiblity that a child might be influence to a deviant lifestyle by a series of children's books promting "choice" (I even stated it wasn't the only thing, just perhaps a piece of the puzzle), and bango- down the memory hole.  

Posted by Al at 3:13 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 March 2008 3:17 PM EDT
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