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Tuesday, 6 December 2005
Pre-Emptive Strikes
As we have seen in the War on Terror, the true way to victory is through pre-emptive strikes. I feel this also applies in the War to Save Christmas. That's why I am asking all readers of my blog to take it to the streets, not just by boycotting stores, but by placing Christian paraphenalia throughout them. Additionally, I highly recommend pointing out the errors in not only secularist thinking, but also kindly letting those of other faiths know that they are on a track to hell where the only redemption is through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Please note, although I refer to this as a war, please do not go around beating up or killing non-Christians.

Thanks, God Bless, and Merry Christmas,

Posted by Al at 2:51 PM EST
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Tuesday, 6 December 2005 - 3:21 PM EST

Name: Peter G

Right on, Al!

I'm tired of all the PC crap. "Happy holidays," I hear. Holidays? You mean CHRISTMAS, don't you?

Why should we Christians be ashamed, forced to use vague references for the birthday of our Lord and Savior? I'll tell you why: Because of pressure from the Zionest lefties who control the media.

Listen: If the @EXPLETIVE FOR JEWISH PEOPLE CENSORED BY AL@ want to burn candles, fine. If the @EXPLETIVE FOR BLACK PEOPLE CENSORED BY AL@ want to wear orange and yellow ponchos and rattle morrocas, fine. But let me and my family decorate our tree and sing "Hark the Herald" and eat the Christmas goose without shame!

Tuesday, 6 December 2005 - 3:25 PM EST

Name: Al

I know First Ammendment and all that stuff, but I want families to be able to read these posts in their entirety, without fear of soiling their eyes with racial slurs or other expletives. Please, try to keep yourself in check.


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