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Monday, 28 November 2005
Christianity- Under Attack! Fight!
Mood:  loud
Topic: Outrage!!!
I'm back, and I'm outraged! We Christians have been victimized long enough in this country by the secularists and pagans and their desire eliminate any remnants of Christianity from our society. Walmart cannot tell people "Merry Christmas", even though they can devote an entire portion of their store to providing Christmas trees, wreaths, stockings, mangers, etc. This is obviously an outrage!!!! That's why I want not only a boycott of Walmart, but I want a competitor to pick up the reigns and not only say "Merry Christmas" during this Christmas season, but to say "Christ is Lord" when giving me back my change during any time of the year. That's taking this country and our shopping back from the heathens!

Last year, some of you may recall, I had a campagin for Children to have their pictures taken with Jesus in the department stores, rather than Santa. Last year, this idea was obviously ahead of its time. This year, we need this kind of message out there remind America we are a Christian nation, and we will stand our ground. If there are any department store owners reading this who want to participate, just leave a note in the contacts section, or send me an e-mail. Also, if there's anyone out there looking like Jesus (the typical Jesus, not any of the freaky, new-age type Jesus depictions), but not into drugs or heavy metal. Leave a note and we can put you in touch with the department stores. We need to act fast, only 27 days to go.

Posted by Al at 11:54 AM EST
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Monday, 25 September 2006 - 8:08 PM EDT

Name: "chris"

Please chill out.  Children are dying all over this world. Why not go save them for real instead of virtually ranting?  I'm thinking Christ would approve of that kind of expenditure of time and energy.

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