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Tuesday, 6 September 2005
Pitching In
Mood:  a-ok
Hurricane Katrina is obviously a tragedy, and I'm not going to point fingers and hand out blame. It's time to make things better. When one has means, he should pitch in and help out those in need or less fortunate than them. For instance, I have taken in several displaced evacuees, and given them a place to stay on my ranch. I am also providing them meals, and a sense of self-worth by giving them jobs to do around the grounds. I may even give them a little extra cash so they can go out and take in a movie on the weekend.

Posted by Al at 10:27 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 6 September 2005 - 1:40 PM EDT

Name: Peter Gozinya

Once again, Al, you prove with your own actions why Americans are the greatest people alive. (I may dare to say, God's people.)

Not only are you providing refuge for the displaced victims of Hurricane Katrina, you're giving these otherwise welfare cases gainful employment. Cash in hand, and a much-needed self-esteem boost.

Al, through your own altruistic actions, these people are, literally, better off than they were before. I know for a fact these people rarely, if ever, get to see new movies. That's why, I imagine, they're always seeing those bootleg VHS tapes on street corners.

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