Mood: loud
Topic: Outrage!!!
I'm beggining to think it would be easier to point out the heterosexual shows on television rather than the Gay ones, as the numbers seem to be overwhelming. Anyway, "BJ and the Bear" is obviously a show deeply rooted in sexual deviance.
Consider the name alone. For those readers with unsoiled ears, "BJ" is a term some deviants use for an unnatuaral sexual practice which I shall not dignify by defining further here. "Bear" is a term in the gay community for a big, hairy gay guy, like Dom Deluise, except gay.
Then there's the premise, BJ, a trucker by trade, travels the country with Bear, his male ape companion and finds adventure along the way. Seems innocent enough at first glance, right? It does until you realize the perverse nature of truckers, going from rest stop to rest stop in search of gay satisfaction. This show was aimed at young people with the sole purpose of preparing a whole new generation of gay truckers. How can I say that? Because the chickens have come home to roost. You cannot even relieve yourselves at one of these roadside restrooms without practically tripping over two guys (ore more) kissing. The US government has even had to redesign rest area stalls to decrease these roadside trysts!
You may be thinking "Al, BJ and the Bear is a 20 year old show, what relevancedoes it have today?" Obviously, it's because the gays are trying to reach out to the next generation, so be vigilant, wise sheep, and report any of those recruitment incidents here.